Eyes on Shroud of the Avatars “PotA”

Hello Avatars PotA is the shortcut for Pen of the Avatar. That is a weekly broadcast from Stephan Daniele who is the Concept Art Lead of the SotA Team. If you love Art like i do and want to watch Stephan unleash his creative power with Photoshop i highly recommend you take a look at…

Eyes on Shroud of the Avatar

Hello Avatars. Multiplayer is ON in Shroud of the Avatar! Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues (abbreviated SotA) is an upcoming fantasy role-playing video game. It is described as being a spiritual successor to the Ultima series Even so they are much further in development already i think watching the 6 month progress video that…

Eyes on DayZ Standalone

Hi all. What is DayZ Standalone? If you read the book World War Z or watched the movie ( with Brad Pitt) then you know what scenary the game DayZ is playing in. It is a Mass Multiplayer Online Survival Game. DayZ Standalone is the much hyped follow-up to the DayZ Mod created by game…